Friday, April 12, 2013

Promoting the Business Through Vanity Numbers

It is odd for a company to never promote its products and services. Each business has its own marketing strategy, whether to spread the product to the market by word of mouth, or perhaps spending a lot to create an advertisement on TV, radio, print, outdoor or online. The market will be able to recognize your brand, product, service or an individual offer.

Business Vanity Numbers

Notice towards the end of an advertisement, there is a distinctive voice or something that would attract the viewers or listeners. And that is the number to call to reach the company. A vanity number that is attached to the product would help increase brand recognition. Responses may follow. It may be an immediate response. Right after the commercial, phones will start ringing. You will start to receive calls from people either to order or simply inquire on the product or service. Or better yet, with a little chance they will take time to visit the company or the store to purchase or to request for assistance. At times, it will take a moment for the viewer or the listener to respond. And at times, not at all.

The company's revenue depends on the sales. All it needs to have is the best marketing power to keep the business up and running. Many successful companies rely on brand recognition. There are ways for customers to reach the company. One is, they go to the store right away. Second, they send mails directed to the company. And third, they pick up the phone and dial the number they recall from the campaign. So, you need to have a simple, memorable and easy number.

Considering the latter way for customers to reach the company, the number has to be easy to remember and it has to be simple, giving you chances for customers to call you instead of the competitor. Vanity 800 numbers are widely used in the industry to increase the sales to 20% and even more. These alone are considered as a marketing tool. Industry studies show that approximately 65% of all orders are generated by phone. Customers are more likely to contact the company to ask for assistance should there be a number provided.

Dial800 helps your company to provide a number that is simple and easy to remember to attract a larger market. Even if number chunking is used to present the contact number, it is always preferable to use words instead of the numbers. Although repeater numbers would help but again, it has to be memorable. When the number matches the product or the service, marketing response rates will increase. Some industries would create a number specifically for a certain product or service that is offered to categorize the customer's needs. This is a better way to give quality service for customers.

With vanity phone numbers, your business will be heard, seen and be recognized. The number alone can relay a message to the market in order to gain the good revenue for your business

Source: August 1994 DMMA Telephone Marketing Technical Assistance Research Programs (TARP)

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